Research suggests that Zinc and Magnesium has significant anabolic benefits. A study performed at Western Washington University (Bellingham) had NCAA football players take ZMA or a placebo every night during an eight-week spring training program. Researchers reported that the athletes taking the Zinc and Magnesium supplement experienced more than a 30-percent increase in testosterone levels, and about a 5-percent increase in levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Those taking a placebo had a 10-percent decrease in testosterone levels and a greater than 20-percent decrease in levels of IGF-1! In addition to the improvements in their anabolic hormone levels, the Zinc and Magnesium-supplemented athletes made significantly greater gains in strength and power, and achieved better sleep quality, than the placebo group. Better sleep quality helps promote muscle recovery from tough workouts. These benefits occurred in the Zinc and Magnesium group despite the fact a dietary analysis found that the athletes were consuming well over the recommended intake for zinc. In addition to the study performed at Western Washington University, several other studies suggest that zinc and magnesium offer potent anabolic properties.